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    ALL IN 5 結果共44筆

  • 超糗!男星池塘滑倒 褲子滑落「白皙屁股」露出畫面曝光

    男團始祖Energy大駕光臨《綜藝玩很大》,吳宗憲、KID、坤達帶領Energy團員阿弟、Toro、書偉、牛奶與新生代男團All in 5、FEniX和U:NUS進行PK生死鬥。為了熱烈歡迎天團,節目製作單位給予高規格的待遇,坤達表示團體中有3個人超過15年沒有上過綜藝節目,可以算是綜藝新手,請大家多包涵。並盡地主之誼跟團員們打包票說:「接下來交給我,聽我的就對了。」
    2024/04/12 14:00
  • Nationwide flu shot eligibility opens in Taiwan for all ages

    Stay informed about Taiwan’s government-funded influenza vaccination program starting on March 5. All citizens aged six months and older are now eligible for flu shots to curb the spread of the flu post-lantern festivals. High-risk groups like seniors, preschool children, and medical staff are encouraged to get vaccinated promptly. Supplies are limited, with about 70,000 doses left as of Feb. 27. Vaccine effectiveness varies by age and health condition, ranging from 30 to 80 percent.
    2024/03/05 11:02
  • 影音/ALL IN 5團員被嗆人品差 隊長戀情見光死單身2年

    2024/02/22 11:27
  • 被拍進入電競女神閨房!鮮肉男星認了已單身兩年 戀愛現況曝

    大勢男團ALL IN 5龍年開春歡喜「迎新」好事成雙,去年裕城退團後,宣布增添年僅18歲的鮮肉帥哥「多多」擔任生力軍後,今(21) 日舉行新歌發表會,推出全新單曲〈信仰〉,還特別把先前的勁舞熱歌〈PRINCE〉重新改編及編舞,只見全新演繹〈PRINCE〉2.0版的五人把純熟洗鍊的唱跳功力發揮到極致,無論舞風、造型更宛如脫胎換骨般令人眼睛一亮,而先前團長承恩被拍進出電競女神阿樂的租屋處,兩人關係相當親密,如今2年過去了,他再被問到感情近況,不忍全說了。
    2024/02/21 16:29
  • 才有人退團!ALL IN 5宣布加入新成員 高顏值長相曝光

    大勢男團ALL IN 5先前團員裕城退團,開春宣布迎來新團員「多多」,這位身高180的少年有著五官深邃、清秀俊帥臉龐,加上唱跳功力極具過人潛力,無論能力、顏值、身高皆屬TOP等級,成為全新ALL IN 5的「寶藏少年」!有著180身高的他,卻讓原本四位成員包括隊長承恩、傑銘、哲瑋、柏安「喜憂參半」,團長承恩笑說:「多多最大的優勢就是年紀輕!他加入後瞬間拉低我們的團體的平均年齡,讓ALL IN 5變成平均22歲的男團!」至於「憂」的部分,團員哲瑋則笑說:「多多的身高在我們團內鶴立雞群,雖然瞬間讓拉高團內的平均身高,但也因為這樣讓我們其他四位視覺上看起來比他矮很多,每次拍照很想用箱子墊高!」哲瑋更開玩笑說:「因為多多關係,讓我們四位最近一直在找『變高』的方法,不知道現在喝轉骨湯還有效嗎?!」
    2024/02/06 14:01
  • Apple Music Classical launches in Taiwan with over 5M tracks

    Apple has launched its dedicated classical music app in Taiwan, called Apple Music Classical, which offers over 5 million songs and compositions. The app includes a spatial audio function for a unique listening experience and provides information such as the work’s name, orchestra, conductor, performers, and recording year. It also offers curated playlists, exclusive recordings, composer biographies, and guides to significant works. This launch is part of Apple’s efforts to expand its streaming service ecosystem, with Apple Music chief Oliver Schusser stating that classical music forms the foundation of all genres. The services department, which includes Apple Music, recorded a revenue surge of 16% year-on-year, reaching an all-time high of US$22.3 billion in the fourth quarter of the fiscal year ending in September 2023.
    2024/01/24 17:55
  • MND optimistic about peace efforts in Strait region

    Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense expresses optimism for stability and peace in the Taiwan Strait region, emphasizing its global significance. The ministry views all measures conducive to peace and stability positively. This follows a video conference between the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman and his Chinese counterpart, discussing global and regional security issues.
    2023/12/26 18:13
  • AUO shares surge amid Dec. TV panel price dip

    This story discusses the fluctuation in shares of AUO Corporation and TV panel prices in late December. The article mentions that the price of 55-inch 4K open-cell panels dropped by US$1 (0.8%) on December 22 due to TV manufacturers ceasing production for year-end demand. However, analysts predict that tier-one TV panel makers may increase their price quotes by US$1 to US$3 in January 2024. Despite this, final transaction prices are expected to remain unchanged due to market demand. The report also suggests a potential decline in quotes for larger panel sizes, while prices for all TV panel sizes are anticipated to stabilize and rebound in February. Furthermore, favorable conditions in the panel market are predicted for 2024, driven by stabilizing industry trends and the launch of AI phones and AI PCs. AUO Chairman Paul Peng expects mild growth in the first quarter of 2024 and a market growth rate between 3% to 5% throughout the year, with higher production capacity utilization compared to 2023. Peng also notes steady demand for automotive and industrial products, which will contribute to a stable production utilization rate, and highlights the increasing use of Human Machine Interface (HMI) technologies for LED and LCD panels.
    2023/12/26 11:40
  • 成軍2年!「ALL IN 5」裕城驚爆退團 經紀人證實揭下一步

    由承恩、傑銘、哲瑋、裕城及柏安組成的男團「ALL IN 5」,自選秀節目《Be The One A級戰場》脫穎而出,成團2年多的他們,今(24)晚無預警在臉書宣布成員裕城退團,讓粉絲震驚不已。
    2023/12/24 19:18
  • Cold snap in Taiwan tied to surge in cardiac arrests

    During a cold snap in Taiwan from Dec. 15 to 17, there was an increase in out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA), with 165 cases reported. However, the National Fire Agency clarified that not all incidents were directly caused by the cold temperatures. In the Taipei and New Taipei metropolitan areas, there were 18 cases of OHCA due to internal medical conditions, resulting in 13 deaths and 5 successful resuscitations. The New Taipei City Fire Department has issued a warning about the increased risk of cardiovascular diseases during the temperature drop, urging individuals with chronic illnesses to take extra care. The department also advises the public to be vigilant for symptoms and to call emergency assistance immediately if needed.
    2023/12/18 16:24
  • 新北耶誕城/ALL IN 5獻出第一次 他遭批「眼光」最差

    偶像男團ALL IN 5今年首次登上新北歡樂耶誕城「巨星耶誕演唱會-一起閃耀繽紛之夜」舞台,以〈PRINCE〉、〈Water〉、〈為了你時間才停在這邊〉及〈尋找危險〉等曲目,展現高水準的偶像唱跳,除了為新北耶誕城帶來全新的衣服,團員柏安還特地編排特別舞蹈,獻出第一次。
    2023/12/09 21:41
  • 新北耶誕城/南韓女團一登場炸裂舞台 羞喊想吃台灣「這食物」

    2023新北歡樂耶誕城「巨星耶誕演唱會-一起閃耀繽紛之夜」今(9)日熱鬧開唱,吸引大批人潮蜂擁而至,由YOUNG POSSE、ALL IN 5、閻奕格、李東軒、郭書瑤(瑤瑤)、陳勢安及五堅情、張震嶽Ayal Komod及玖壹壹演出,讓現場氣氛High到最高點。其中新生代南韓女團YOUNG POSSE一出道就魅力四射,帶來出道曲〈MACARONI CHEESE〉以及〈POSSE UP!〉等歌曲,以充滿節奏性的演唱與極具表現力的舞蹈,為演唱會華麗開場。
    2023/12/09 18:50
  • Taiwan’s CEC checks candidates’ nationality for election

    The Central Election Commission (CEC) has announced that all presidential and vice presidential candidates in Taiwan’s upcoming elections have submitted consent forms for nationality verification to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. One candidate, Cynthia Wu of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), has come under scrutiny for allegedly retaining her U.S. citizenship. Lawmakers from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the Kuomintang (KMT) have called on Wu to provide proof of her nationality status. The CEC aims to finalize the list of candidates by December 5 and announce the official roster on December 15. The DPP has nominated Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim, while the TPP has put forward Ko Wen-je and Cynthia Wu. The KMT has endorsed Hou Yu-ih and Jaw Shaw-kong. The focus now shifts to transparency and eligibility, with citizenship concerns becoming a central issue in the political discourse. The CEC’s timeline allows for any issues to be resolved before the formal candidate list is published, ensuring a fair and democratic election process.
    2023/11/29 22:10
  • 才宣布跳級考上醫學院 女星再曝「超狂喜事」:之前破2千萬

    「T-KI無限∞偶像祭」集結超過25組MZ世代當紅偶像及大勢藝人,將於11月25日、 26 日 於臺北流行音樂中心南基地舉辦,包含最強男團Ozone、與《未來少女》日光之橙、幻藍小熊、薄荷水晶,鼓鼓、蕭秉治、All in 5、跳級醫學院高材生蓋兒Gail與閻奕格,保證讓觀眾耳目一新,而演唱會敲碗期待度破表的小宇 宋念宇、艾薇、KEVI廖柏雅也都將會帶來精彩演出。
    2023/10/30 16:57
  • ALL IN 5廣州LONG STAY狂吃美食 下場竟是「炸馬桶」

    由承恩、傑銘、哲瑋、裕城及柏安組成的男團「ALL IN 5」,2年前自選秀節目《Be The One A級戰場》組團出道後,積極展開各式挑戰,近期5個大男孩結伴飛往人生地不熟的廣州,展開為期半年的LONG STAY,開創全新歌唱事業版圖。不過飲食清淡的柏安,一度因嘗試太多美食,導致腸胃負荷不了,自嘲每天都在「炸馬桶」。
    2023/09/15 12:04
  • 男團宿舍爆鬧鬼「門把自動下壓」狠狠關上 他目睹嚇壞了

    由承恩、裕城、傑銘、柏安及哲瑋組成的新生代偶像男團「ALL IN 5」,日前出席《善愛嘉年華》公益演唱會,其中團員柏安的家人們特別到現場支持,75歲的阿公還充當攝影師,整整錄了ALL IN 5 全長24分鐘的演出,讓他們成為此次演唱會的最佳人氣王。
    2023/08/24 07:36
  • 小S快看!二女兒台上熱舞超辣 粉絲暴動:妳好可愛

    鼓鼓呂思緯6日帶著新歌演唱會「GBSW」在Zepp New Taipei開唱,他將台中場的「炫光米蘭移動牆」搬到台北現場,所折射出的雷射燈光營造出炫彩多變的效果,終於讓北部歌迷感受最炸的舞台、最具震撼的音樂魅力,其中在唱到〈他一定喜歡你〉時,MV裡的男女主角Lily許韶恩、ALL IN 5驚喜上台,與歌迷齊跳「喜歡你」的手勢舞,全場也跟著鼓鼓大喊:「謝謝Lily,妳好可愛。」演唱會歡樂滿點。
    2023/08/07 18:43
  • 鮮肉練習生來了!親揭必應創造培訓內幕 遭靈魂拷問這樣說

    必應創造在華語樂壇以「軟硬體一條龍」方式製作,承辦許多天王、天后的巡演,近年積極投入藝人經紀事業,2020年起招募對演藝工作懷抱夢想的新人成為旗下練習生,每月在《真星製造研究所》YouTube頻道公開魔鬼驗收過程,率先出道男團「ALL IN 5」中2位成員陳柏安、許傑銘就曾是練習生之一。
    2023/07/27 10:59
  • 才告贏Faye!陳建寧驚爆「心臟劇痛」送醫 立斷拒絕開刀

    F.I.R團長陳建寧續任第二屆「善愛嘉年華」愛意樹公益演唱會音樂總監,特別號召音樂圈眾星好友一齊錄唱公益單曲〈我愛故我在〉,包括F.I.R阿沁、康康(康晋榮)、郭書瑤、林曉培、莫凡新、郭家瑋、蔡永淳、ALL IN 5、Formosa Sexy等皆獻聲響應,今(4)日特地舉辦記者會,提到這次的主題曲,其實是他親身體悟得到靈感而來,他自曝年初時身體突然出狀況,「半夜睡到一半突然心絞痛,心跳160,就醫後診斷出原來自己有心律不整的問題」。 ​​​​​​​
    2023/07/04 16:18
  • 製作人出大包!康康「臨機應變」結果曝光 工作人員都傻了

    去年由F.I.R.團長陳建寧創作公益歌曲,支持「善愛嘉年華」大型公益活動,今年再度邀請F.I.R.陳建寧操刀製作,並號召康康(康晋榮)、郭書瑤、林曉培、ALL IN 5、Formosa Sexy、郭家瑋、莫凡新、蔡永淳攜手為公益獻聲發行全新單曲〈我愛故我在〉,活動也將在8月11日至13日在南港展覽館2館舉辦大型ESG公益活動。
    2023/06/22 13:54
  • 小S老公要怒了!二女兒Lily大談校園純愛 還撲倒男偶像 

    「鼓鼓」呂思緯最新一波主打歌〈他一定喜歡你〉MV,力邀小S徐熙娣的二女兒許韶恩(Lily)和男團「ALL IN 5」成員林裕城、許傑銘、陳柏安聯合主演校園純愛。Lily和林裕城的甜蜜互動,讓小S忍不住發文直呼:「OMG媽媽也想回到高中,好浪漫喔!」就連姊姊許曦文(Elly)也分享MV親密互動畫面,虧說:「你要被爸爸殺了。」
    2023/05/14 14:21
  • PLG/新北國王辦大胃王挑戰賽 贏家升級VIP場邊席

    PLG新北國王籃球隊將在最後的主場例行賽舉辦《禁衛軍最後ALL IN》,漫長的賽季到了尾聲,最後兩場主場賽事,全隊仍將ALL IN守護新莊城堡。響應5月6日「世界不減肥日」,5月6日、9日兩天賽前,新北國王將舉辦「皇家大胃王挑戰賽」,提供招牌美食,獲勝者直接升級VIP場邊席。
    2023/05/05 15:50
  • 5百萬「歐印00878或006208」?內行激推它:爽下半輩子

    2023/03/16 20:04
  • ALL IN 5台上看到「這畫面」淚崩 團員氣喘發作瞞爸媽

    男團ALL IN 5昨(11)日在新莊ZEPP NEW TAIPEI舉行首場售票演唱會「PRINCE」,5個大男孩在台上「肌」情爆發,各自solo的唱跳橋段更突破心防展現新面貌。安可曲「神秘彩蛋」,是偷偷找來5位星媽錄製「疼兒真心話」,母子親情噴發真摯感人,讓5人再也壓抑不住情緒男兒淚齊飛。
    2023/03/12 13:22
  • 冥燈又發威!鳳梨放棄愛國心「歐印義大利」慘爆:歹際大條

    網紅「鳳梨」吳泓逸憑藉獨特的台式風格,深受不少人喜愛,時常透過社群平台與網友互動,不過自去(2022)年世界盃以後,就被冠上「冥燈」的封號,原來他下注買運彩,每買必輸,絲毫沒有賭運。2023年世界棒球經典賽8日正式開打,鳳梨第一場「歐印」(all in)中華隊,沒想到以5:12的比數慘輸巴拿馬,因此他決定暫時拋下愛國心,改押義大利贏球,結果再次印證他反指標的威力。
    2023/03/11 10:56
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